Thursday, December 14, 2017



Today we went to a local indigenous tribal community, the tribe was the Boruca. They live in Southern Costa Rica and have several different communities that make up their total population. 

Before we left, we were told it was only about an hour to an hour and half long drive... It ended taking us just under three hours to get there. The roads were pretty bad. Going up gravel roads on steep hills was pretty scary, and took a lot longer than expected. Once we got to the community, everyone was instantly regretting what they had put on to wear earlier this morning. The weather here was a little warmer than what it is at the station.

After a brief history lesson and lunch, there were some demonstrations on how to make yarn/thread, how to dye that thread and than how to weave that. I was mesmerized by all the plants and colors. I still can not fathom that a green plant can make a purple or blue dye. My the end of the demonstration, I volunteered to make the last dye because the woman's hands were too dirty to finish. It was so cool, I would love to start making my own dyes out of the native plants in Wisconsin. 

While I was dying the thread, there was some joking about how I could move into the community and work and make dyes for them. "There are lots of eligible young men here." It was an experience that I will never forget. 

After the dying demonstration was done, our eyes moved to the loom and she started to make a table runner. It was like magic. I do not think I could ever weave as well as this lady did. 

This tribe is well known for the masks they carve and paint. We saw a short demonstration on how to paint the masks and then had the opportunity to paint our own. I didn't end up painting mine there and decided to bring it home to paint where I have more color options. But I am excited to see the final outcome. 

There wasn't enough time to do this, but the tribe was going to show us one of their traditional dances. I am super bummed that I didn't get to see it. I would have loved to see more into their culture. 

Trent and I bought some things from them to give to his siblings and mom. I hope they really like what we got them. The currency is starting to make some sense to me, it got some getting used to but I think I am finally understanding it. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed myself so far and can not wait for the days to come. Hopefully my hands will return to their natural color. 

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